Welcome to Ashihara Karate.
Ashihara Karate is one of the most practical karate systems today. It is a karate system based on Sabaki........ - the combination of defence and offence into one!
The following IS an introduction to the Karate organisation under whose auspices, traditional karate has been taught since 1980. The dojo (organisation) was founded by Hoosain Narker, the Kaicho of Ashihara Karate Kokusai. We hope that by perusing this web site, you will gain more insight into this dynamic karate system founded by the late Karate Master, Kancho Hideyuki Ashihara.
Ashihara Karate, led by Karate Kaicho Hoosain Narker, is one of the most practical karate systems today. It is a system based on Sabaki........ - the combination of defence and offence into one! Ashihara Karate International is comprised of over thirty countries and has over 40,000 members. Our goal is the promulgation of authentic Japanese karate-do as espoused by the late Kancho Hideyuki Ashihara
Ashihara Karate Summer Camp
The Dutch Summer Camp was held from 24 - 26 June at "Scholtenhof" in Etten. Check the camp page for a report back
Ashihara Karate “Get Together”
A Get together of Ashihara Karate and other Martial Arts friends will take place in November in Viborg, Denmark at the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum)
Seminar in Belgium on 19 November organised by Shibucho Johny Verheyden
Kaicho to visit England & Italy for training and tournament
Read about the June/July 2005 European Tour