10th Kyu & 9th Kyu
- Grading may be taken at two monthly intervals.
8th Kyu to 6th Kyu
- Grading may be taken at three monthly intervals.
5th Kyu to 3rd Kyu
- Grading may be taken at four monthly intervals.
2nd Kyu & 1st Kyu
- Grading may be taken at six monthly intervals.
1st Kyu to Shodan
- A candidate must hold the grade of 1st Kyu for one full year before applying for Shodan.
Shodan to Nidan
- Minimum of two years.
Nidan to Sandan
- Minimum of three years.
Sandan to Yondan
- Minimum of four years.
Yondan to Godan
- Minimum of five years.
Godan to Rokudan
- Minimum six years.
The chart simply illustrates the grades obtainable at tests. An attendance rate of 70% is a minimum eligibility requirement for tests. Dan and Kyu grades are not themselves the object - they are a guide to progress only.
Ashihara Karate “Get Together”
A Get together of Ashihara Karate and other Martial Arts friends will take place in November in Viborg, Denmark at the Danish Dai Ki Haku Honbu Dojo (Shihan Kurt Orum)
Seminar in Belgium on 19 November organised by Shibucho Johny Verheyden
Kaicho to visit England & Italy for training and tournament
Read about the June/July 2005 European Tour